About us

Tianjin Bohai Metal


> Company Overview

Tianjin Bohai Metal Company is one of the leading and most respected suppliers in China. Our products include: metal materials, machinery, containers, construction materials, and mechanical products. Our company was founded in 2002 and since then has continuously strived to meet the needs of our global customer base to ensure absolute satisfaction. Reflecting our company's commitment to excellence, our team is dedicated to perfecting our three core components, "Service, Management and Craftsmanship".


> Our Mission

The company's mission is to always be an industry leader, not a follower; this will be accomplished through a continuous commitment to innovation. We believe in putting our customers first by providing effective communication and producing the highest quality products that the industry must offer.


> Our Vision

As a company, we have a vision to be the best in every way. As a company we never stop looking to improve, no one is perfect and we understand that, that's why we value your feedback so much so we can get as close to perfection as possible.


> Our goal

To continuously earn customer satisfaction and trust Tianjin Bohai Metal Company achieves its goals through Service: In order to maintain a long-lasting relationship with our customers, Our company is committed to providing the best customer service, from guiding customers through every step of the process to providing after-sales service to ensure that our customers are satisfied with the product/service they receive. In addition, we are always seen as a trustworthy and responsible member of the community.


> Company Core

Bohai Metal has become one of the leading steel companies, headquartered in Tianjin, China. We have partners all over the world, with operations in the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific.

About us


> About Bohai


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